Halo Alterrans!
Sebelumnya, perkenalkan namaku Vincent Kienaldi, dan aku ingin berbagi sedikit pengalamanku magang selama 10 bulan bersama Alterra. Aku sendiri adalah mahasiswa jurusan DKV BINUS University. To be honest, aku nemu dengan nama Alterra juga lewat BINUS Enrichment Apps, di mana itu jadi sarana untuk mahasiswa mengapply berbagai workplace / company yang mengadakan kerjasama dengan BINUS untuk proses internship. Dari situlah aku tertarik dengan Alterra and decided to apply, simply because I liked how all the design feeds look haha.
Melalui 2x proses interview, akhirnya ku berhasil bergabung dengan Alterra di POPS sebagai People Enabler Intern/Graphic Designer dan dibimbing oleh kak Dinda dan mas Singgih pada awal internship. Tugas utamaku adalah memenuhi segala kebutuhan desain dari user lain di POPS. Selama 10 bulan tersebut, aku belajar banyak tentang bagaimana workflow di POPS Alterra berjalan, especially in terms of designs, mulai dari mencari referensi, pembuatan desain, revisi hingga pada hasil final yang diharapkan user.
Aku juga berkesempatan untuk ikut membantu di ALTA untuk menjadi main designer event Breakthrough 2021 Tech Conference di bawah arahan mas Boy dan mas Faza. Overall it was a great experience to be able to work with many great people at Alterra.
What I like being Alterrans?
It was an unforgettable experience really, I joined the company during the pandemic in February 2021, with full-time WFH. Alterra has been amazing to provide the interns with supplies. You would sometimes receive some package/gifts from the company, not expecting how the company could be so giving / generous about their employees. I received a lot of support & benefits from working here, such as the mobile data packet given every month, and how I was given some fruit packages during times when I got positive from COVID. Each morning, POPS team would hold a gathering with the others called “Morning Check-In” where we usually bond with each other. It was fun and seemed like a fresh way to start a day, especially during pandemic times, working from home stuff.
In Conclusion,
It was an amazing experience, my first ever internship experience, in such a supportive place with the people there, I am forever grateful to be a part of Alterrans! Thank you to all the people that helped me during the 10 months, hopefully, we can meet again someday!
Special thanks untuk Yoyo, dan kang Idur, thank you buat semua bantuan dan bimbingannya, terutama Yoyo sebagai design partner yang sabar menghadapi saya pribadi xixi. I might be slow at doing work sometimes, but I promise I’ll be better in the future haha!
POPS Morning Check In pertama (kiri – 23 Februari) dan terakhir (kanan – 22 Desember)