Rendy Aries Fajrin | 7 Sep 2020

Grow & Beyond!

Every single person knows WHAT they do. Some people know HOW they do. But very few people know WHY they do what they do. This fact has been surprisingly always become a ‘wake-up call’ to me as a knowledge worker. I’ve been working in different companies with different industries and I figure out that WHY is such an important factor to every employee. If we talk about WHY, we talk about a sort of a truly deep dive on Reason for Being that inspires on Vision & Mission that translates into Values and drives the Behaviours.

If a question jump on me “Have you found your WHY in Alterra?” I would say YES. Well.. at least that’s what I feel now. Here is the thing: I have a mission to help people find and crack their best potential. And to make it happen, I also need to help the working environment and its culture that can support Alterrans to be their best. Hence, during my time as Alterrans I was exposed on this circle on how to collaborate as a cross-functional team, building a feedback culture from grass-root, a safe to fail for the team and facilitate how we adapt quickly to move forward. The same commitment I put to my team members as a leader, by ensuring them to maximize their learning & able to grow through frequent feedback session.

The joy of its dynamic process and the eagerness of Alterrans to keep learning toward how they work as a team are always inspiring to me. But, there is another thing that inspires me more and yet what makes me really proud of: Our Leaders, especially our Co-Founders, Ananto & Jefrey. They believe that Alterra is going to be The Best Place to Work yet become The Best Technology Company in Indonesia. These two reasons that they always echoing to each and every one of us, Alterrans, either in All Minds Meeting or simply when we have informal discussion with them.

People don’t ‘buy’ what you do, people ‘buy’ WHY you do it. And that’s exactly what Alterrans do. Our Co-Founders’ WHY has actually shaped into one word: GROW. This word is such a bind between my personal’s WHY and the reason WHY Alterra exist. I am not trying to tell you that every single day in Alterra is a beautiful day in which you always succeed and achieve exactly what you have set in your OKR/KPI. You fail once, you fail twice, and you may fail many times. And that’s what we actually deal with sometimes in certain period of times.

Here is the thing: the goal is not to be perfect by the end, the goal is to be better tomorrow. That’s why we have a PO.Box, a space where you can express Appreciation publicly and constructive input personally among Alterrans, we also have Check-Up Session, 360-Degree Feedback and Performance review in our PMS (Performance Management System). Those kind of things that keep guiding each Alterrans to GROW. And I am so proud of it.

We know that when we are able to grow and able to achieve what we targeted, we always feel happy. I want it too for sure, but that is not my finish line. Well, we live in the Infinite Game where having a finish line is just a myth. Making sure that I could help other Alterrans to grow is always be my inspiration. Simon Sinek once said: “When we help ourselves, we find moment of happiness. When we help others, we find lasting fulfilment.” So now, I am on the mission to find that fulfilment and helping Alterrans find their fulfilment too. That is the best part of this journey.

Thank you Alterra. To grow & beyond!

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