Prily Gracia Elisabet Soetiman | 25 Aug 2021

Work at Alterra From Home: A Glance of an Intern’s Journey

Working in Alterra is something that I have never expected before. Kicking off from the
recruitment process, there was a day when I felt insecure pertaining to my application since I
believed that there were many applicants at that time. Moreover, during the psychotest, I
struggled a bit since I forgot how to answer those questions. However, what I realize is that
Alterra already gave me a lesson before I was accepted to the team, which was through the user
assignment test. Composing email marketing for Alterra Bills was the main task, which I think
was both challenging and enriching my writing skills.

Even though I felt insecure since I had to wait for some days to get new information regarding my application, I eventually got the happy news from Alterra. That email was one of the best things I
have received during that week. Followed all the pre-on boarding things that I should do, I think that Alterra has prepared a better environment for all the interns. Long story short, the long awaited
day arrived – onboarding process. Despite the current situation that it was a virtual onboarding, I think that process was one of the best and professional onboarding experiences I’ve ever got throughout
my internship journey. The videos, the presentations, and the training or catchup sessions, all of those things were the tools that helped and assisted me during my first day or first week of internship.

On top of that, the part where I was being introduced to the team through email and group, I felt so humbled and glad because of that. I even told my close friends, sort of like, “look at this cute welcoming session from my new company” hehehe:3. I knew that I will be part of the digital marketing team, yet I have never thought before that I will be paired up with this small yet very supportive division. Frankly speaking, although I haven’t got any chances to meet them in person, I feel like whenever I chatted or talked to them, it felt so chill, yet still fruitful. I am truly blessed to work alongside or even under them, particularly Mas Manday, Mba Ghea, and Kak Kintan. Those small sessions that we had really taught me that it doesn’t matter how many members you have in the team, but what matters the most is the quality of each person, their performances, and the bond of the team. Throughout my first until second week of internship, Alterra was preparing for Eid-Adha season.

I got hands-on experience through some content and article creation for Sepulsa Berkah. I was so thrilled upon receiving those assignments, because it was beyond my knowledge and the clock was ticking so fast. Nonetheless, I finally managed to create all of the contents and articles with the guidance from Mas Manday and Mba Ghea. Following the Eid-Adha session or prior to that, my user gave me a challenge in regards to Alterra Bills Instagram Evaluation as well as dig deeper into the realm of Alterra Bills product universe. Those things helped me to escalate my presentation skills to the team and other relevant things. There were so many things that I have received that I can’t write it specifically one by one. Even though that my editorial plan for Alterra Bills hasn’t got any progress from the upper level, I sincerely believe that Mas Manday gave me the task to research possible contents for Alterra Bills IG Account so that I will know what kind of content that is suitable for the product and for my development as well. That being said, being part of the digital marketing team was indeed something that I won’t exchange with anything, both the lessons and the people.

Despite the short time I had in Alterra, despite the tough decision that I had to make, despite the current circumstance that my user will be resigning soon, Alterra has given me more than an opportunity to work, but a place to learn from those people and develop myself. I surely believe that Alterra will remain successful in the near future and I also know that my experience
here will be a huge milestone for me for my future endeavours. Last but not least, I wish the best of luck for the digital marketing division since they are the powerhouse of Alterra, they are the avengers of Alterra, and they are the
keys for customers to know Alterra deeply.

(P.s. I do really like the welcoming hampers, it
was so complete and cute!!xx)

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